I was raised on a turkey farm near Liverpool England. My mother has been breeding ,hatching and selling rare breed turkeys for 35 years. For as long as I can remember I have loved working and learning all aspects of rearing our turkeys. My family continues to produce very special free range, traditional colored turkeys for Christmas day in the UK.
All our turkeys will be naturally home reared and prepared here on the Southfork valley. Grown slowly to full maturity and prime condition using traditional black and auburn breeds of turkeys. They forage in natural vegetation and grass with a diet containing at least 70% cereal with no animal protein or growth promoters.
With zero food miles, a caring, healthy and natural enviroment in which to grow and thrive we can produce a superior quality bird. By selecting a Southfork free range turkey you know that each and every one has been produced with the one aim of achieving the best tasting turkey.
Sold fresh and ready for the oven in a variety of sizes each one comes with a pop up timer to ensure perfect cooking and some recipe ideas for left overs.
Treat your family and friends to the best ever Thanksgiving Turkey !